Thursday, November 10, 2011

Work is going good.

I am getting paid, it is minimum wage but i think that it will so i can save up for japan.
I am getting good! I am finally starting to get the hang of the line (not that i was doing bad before, but it was still a little stressful and I would make a couple of mistakes (such as how much salad to put in the bowl)). I don't make those mistakes anymore, and I still keep my cool when a couple of tickets pile up.
The other day Jay took the day off, so Vance was covering for him and I was on the line, after about half of that time chef took over the grill, I was on a role so there was no way that I was going to give up my spot when Vance came over and tried to help. In my mind I was like "Hell nah, Back off this is my station), but loud i did not really say anything and just demonstrated that i had everything down and that i did not need any help, after the rush chef left and Vance went back to the grill we finished up, It was a great night.

This week has been good, I have worked on the line everyday that I have been there And I am pretty sure that my suspicion that Jay hates me was all in my head. According to Vance it turns out that they last grill chef was a homosexual, I had no idea, just thought that it is interesting. in no way dose that change my view of him and I still want to work with him again if I stay in Utah (please god no).

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